Mi rutina de noche // My nightime routine
Hola ciudadan@s de este nuestro planeta tierra!!!
Hoy toca un post mi rutina diaria. Como ya os indiqué en la entrada anterior es algo más elaborada en el sentido de que hay más productos y por que durante la noche la piel asimila mucho mejor los principios activos de los cosméticos que nos pongamos. Como ya es habitual en mis posts, los productos que utilizo son naturales completamente o en un alto porcentaje. Intento también comprar marcas con certificados como Ecocert. Aviso para navegantes: todos los productos los he comprado yo y aunque son unos cuantos productos, cunden bastante por lo que el dinero invertido queda bien amortizado. Además me gusta hacer realizar mezclar de productos similares (p.ej. aceites de onagra y cáñamo, o aguas florales de azahar, jara y tomillo), por lo que dos o más productos los utilizo juntos para el mismo propósito aprovechando sus propiedades.

Luego empiezo la parte de hidratación / nutrición. Primero aplico el "Acne Purifying Face & Body Oil" de Gaia Creams. Cuando os hablé de él en el post "Pedido de Gaia Creams" aún no lo había probado. Ahora ya han pasado más de 15 días y os puedo decir que me encanta, aunque mi piel aún está acostumbrándose a alguno de sus ingredientes y he tenido días en los cuales andaban los granitos peleones. Algunos días también añado aceite de onagra y de cáñamo de Raw Gaia. El aceite de cáñamo tienes propiedades antiinflamatorias lo que ayuda en casos de acné. rosácea, psoriasis, etc. Dejo actuar la mezcla 10 - 15 minutos y me aplico la crema hidratante. Utilizo una mezcla que me he hecho a partir de 2 cremas de Gaia Creams: Palmarosa y Cártamo + Argán y Espino Cerval de mar. Aplico muy poca cantidad de cada una para que no resulte difícil su absorción y aunque de momento no he notado ningún cambio positivo, tampoco me ha ido mal.
Y para terminar toda la rutina, suelo echarme unas gotitas de aceite esencial de árbol de té. Utilizo en de la marca Naay Botanicals la cual posee el certificado Ecocert. Y listo, me cepillo los dientes y a dormir, a dejar que la piel se beneficie de todos los principios activos que poseen estos productos. Aunque parezca mucho, no le dedico más de 30 minutos. Y a pesar de que alguien pueda pensar que es demasiado tiempo, lo que empleo en cuidar mi rostro, lo ahorro en tener que maquillarlo. Así que desde mi filosofía, no me parece algo descabellado.
Espero que os haya gustado y os invito a que contéis vuestra rutina e ideas.
Hasta la próxima!!!
Love, peace, daisies & fairies!!!
Hi citizens from this our Planet Earth!!!
It is time to talk about my nightime routine. As I wrote in my last post, this routine is more extensive since there are more products used and the skin benefits from the active substances the following cosmetics have a lot more during this time of the day. As you have already read in my posts, I only apply completely or almost completely natural products to my skin. I also try to buy cosmetics from certified brands (for example, Ecocert). Warning: all the products I am going to mention were purchased by me with my own money. Although there are a lot of products, they last for a long time, so the money ends up being well invested. Besides, I like to create different blendings (for example, evening primrose ans hemp oils, or orange blossom, rockrose and thyme floral waters) so I use two or more with the same purpose in order to get benefit from their properties.
Twice a weel I start my routine with Lush's "Herbalism". I apply this product the days I do not use "Angels on Bare Skin" in the morning. It is a fresh preservative-free cleansers. It is beautifully green and has a strong smell. I am not going to write specifically about the ingredients since I already did it in my post "Order from Lush", feel free to check it out. I do not know whether it is a personal perception or not, but I think this cleanser feels softer than "Angels on Bare Skin" when scrubbing my skin or at least it seems less scratchy. Though my skin gets more irritated when I wash my face with "Herbalism", the products about to be described help my skin to feel calm and since it is my nightime routine, irritations do not bother me.
After "Herbalism" I use the African handmade soap from Coastal Scents. I buy it online from RADA Beauty (Coastal Scents is an USA shop and though I neved had problems with customs duties, I prefer buying this soap from RADA Beauty since it is a Spanish shop and I do not risk having to pay extra taxes). This is a handmade soap by women from Ghana and it is specially suitable for acne prone, oily and light spotty skins. Its main ingredients are shea butter and coconut oil. This soap can also be used as shampoo and shower soap (I did not give these options a try yet). We just need a tiny piece to wash our face for 2 or 3 three days and this product lasts a lot. It creates a very smooth foam and even though it does not remove my make up completely (I only use coloured powder), it leaves my skin quite clean.
After "Herbalism" I use the African handmade soap from Coastal Scents. I buy it online from RADA Beauty (Coastal Scents is an USA shop and though I neved had problems with customs duties, I prefer buying this soap from RADA Beauty since it is a Spanish shop and I do not risk having to pay extra taxes). This is a handmade soap by women from Ghana and it is specially suitable for acne prone, oily and light spotty skins. Its main ingredients are shea butter and coconut oil. This soap can also be used as shampoo and shower soap (I did not give these options a try yet). We just need a tiny piece to wash our face for 2 or 3 three days and this product lasts a lot. It creates a very smooth foam and even though it does not remove my make up completely (I only use coloured powder), it leaves my skin quite clean.
To finish the cleansing part up, I have to options: Lush's "Fresh Farmacy" (I wrote about it in my morning routine post) or "Skin Divinity Cleansing Spray" by Raw Gaia. I only wash my face with the latter when I have make-up on because it gets removed quite well by this spray (I do not know whether it removes fluid make-up effectively but you can try Lush's "9 to 5" or "Ultrabland". The former is a light lotion and the latter, a thick paste. Both are meant to be applied on every skin type, but in order to know which one works better for you skin, I advise you to get some samples). "Skin DIvinity Cleansing Spray" is a wonderful product and I love it and I will keep on buying it for as long as this brand sells it. It is made only by carrier and essential oils, and floral waters. All of these ingredients are organic and most of them can be bought on the web to heal different skin conditions or simply to get a healthy glowing skin. These ingredients are: witch hazel, tea tree and juniper floral waters, jojoba oil and tea tree, juniper, sweet orange, lemon and eucalyptus essential oils. A great fatty acids and vitamines cocktail.
After the cleansing session, it is time to balance the skin pH because it has been altered by removing corneocytes (also known as dead cells), among other skin protective barrier components. In order to repair that barrier, we use a toner or floral waters. I always recommend alcohol-free toners, so brands such as Clinique are out of my beauty kit. I tone my skin with a blend of floral waters by Vinca Minor that I buy on the web Cosnatura. These floral water are orange blossom, rockrose and thyme. They have calming, healing, moustirizing, antiinflamatory, antibacterial properties among others. They are 100% natural with no preservatives and other additives. These waters come in plastic spray bottles (number 1 plastic, so there are no bisphenoles, but it is recommended not to refill the bottles once they are empty). Though rockrose and thyme have a strong scent, it is possible to ease them thanks to the orange blossom water (but in the end, one gets used to them). Finally I spray Gamarde thermal water which is suitablefor sensitive and reactive skins (redness, irritations, acne, etc.) due to its high levels of minerals and sulphur.
Then I start moustirizing / nourishing. I first apply a few drops of Gaia Creams' "Acne Purifying Face & Body Oil. When I wrote about it in my post "Order from Gaia Creams", I did not tried it yet. Now more than 15 days have passed and I can say that I love it but my skin is still getting used to some of this oil ingredients and I have had some days when my pimples have been worst and other days, better. Some days, I also add a few drops of evening primrose and hemp oils from Raw Gaia. Hemp oil has antiinflammatory properties that help in cases of acne, rosace, psoriasis, etc. I leave this blend for 10 - 15 minutes and then I apply my cream. I use a mixture of 2 creams by Gaia Creams: Palmarosa and Thistle + Argan and Sea Buckthorn. I only need a tiny quantity so my skin absorbes it easily and even though I did not notice any positive result, negative signs have made no appearance.
To finish this routine up, I apply a few drops of tea tree essential oil from the brand Naay Botanicals which posses the Ecocert certificate. And that is it, I brush my teeth and go to bed in order to let my skin get fed from the amazing active substances contained in the products described above. Although it may seem an annoying routine to do, I spend no more than 30 minutes. Some people may think it is a lot of time, but the minutes I spend taking care of my skin, I save them when it comes to apply make-up. So from my point of view, it is time worth investing.
I hope you liked it and feel free to share your nightime routime and your ideas.
Love, peace, daisies & fairies!!!
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