Ediciones limitadas del Día de la Madre de Lush: Yummy Mummy // Lush's Mother's Day limited editions: Yummy Mummy
Hola holita haditas!!!
Vuelvo con una nueva entrada!!! Esta vez se trata de unas ediciones limitadas de una mis marcas de cosmética favoritas: LUSH!!!! En este caso son ediciones para el día de la madre. En Semana Santa hice una escapada al Lush de Santander y además de reponer algunos de mis imprescindibles, aproveché para comprar dos de los productos exclusivos para estas fechas. Es el caso del gel de ducha y el acondicionador corporal Yummy Mummy.
Para los fans de American Cream, D'Fluff y Strawberry Feels Forever como yo (cuando me enteré de que la iba a descatalogar me volví un poco loca y me compré unas cuantas - por suerte la han vuelto a traer a las tiendas por lo que podéis volver a comprarla - también en la web), estos pueden ser los productos ideales ya que el olor es muy similar (en mi opinión más el acondicionador corporal que el gel de ducha). Y quién no quiere oler a fresitas con nata después de una buena ducha???
Espero que os haya resultado interesante este mini post y si queréis estos productos, corred a vuestra tienda Lush más cercana o haced un pedido por internet, porque vuelan!!! Y como siempre la sección de comentarios está abierta para todas vuestras sugerencias, experiencias, opiniones, etc.
Hasta la próxima!!!
Love, peace, daisies & fairies!!!
Hi-diddily-ho little fairies!!!
I am back with a new post!!! This time this post is going to be about some of the limited editions from one of my favourite cosmetic brands: LUSH!!! In this case, I am writing about the Mother's Day limited editions. In Easter, I went on a short trip to Lush in Santander and apart from getting some of my basics, I took advantage of the situation and bought two of the exclusive products for this period.
For those of you who are fans of American Cream, D'Fluff and Strawberry Feels Forever like me (when I found out that this massage bar was about to be discontinued, I got a little bit crazy and bought quite a few - fortunately, this product was brought back to the stores so you can buy it again - also online), these products may be ideal because the scent is pretty similar (in my opinion, more the conditioner than the shower gel). Besides, who does not want to smell like a strawberry milkshake after a nice shower???
Yummy Mummy shower gel: this is a lilac shower gel with a very interesting fragrance. As I already said, the smell is similar to the Lush's strawberry product range. Besides, as it is done with Snow Fairy, it has glitter. Among its main ingredients, we can find: geranium and Brazilian sweet orange oils, tonka absolute and Irish moss extract. It is not necessary that I explain how to use a shower gel, is it?? ;)
Yummy Mummy body conditioner: those of you who do not know Ro's Argan might think...a body conditioner?? Yes my friends, we can skip the sometimes tedious part of applying a body milk or butter because this product is meant to be applied in the shower with our skin wet. We put it on the skin, rinse it and done. This way, our skin ends up nourished and it is possible for us to get dressed after drying with a towel without getting our clothes dirty. If you are a morning shower person, this product is perfect for you. If you prefer evening showers, you can combine this conditioner with a massage bar. The bar will not do much more in terms of moisture because your skin would be already "fed" but the given feeling and smell is very comfortable. Its main ingredients are: organic almond oil, fair trade organic cocoa and murumuru butters, fresh strawberry juice, tonka absolute and geranium and Brazilian sweet orange oils.
I hope you find this mini post interesting and if you want these products, go quickly to your nearest Lush shop or place an order online, because they are running out pretty fast!!! And as I always say, the comments section is open for all your suggestions, experiencies, opinions, etc.
See you soon!!!
Love, peace, daisies & fairies!!!
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